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Genre: Action / abstract: Time Trap is a movie starring Andrew Wilson, Cassidy Gifford, and Brianne Howey. A professor enters a cave and goes missing. Some of his students come looking for him and get trapped in the cave as well. A few seconds in the cave / Writed by: Mark Dennis / / Country: USA / actor: Reiley McClendon


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The ending kinda ruined it for me. The girl got pulled into a time period where (seemingly) the world is covered in water by these long fingered creatures that put a modern looking breathing apparatus on her. THEN she pops out and rescues her friends and tells them we'll have all the time we need. So she somehow got pulled into this water world and found a way to manipulate time so she could travel back to that particular cave entrance to rescue her friends and then furby and hopper. And once hopper and furby pop out of that futuristic pool of water they're suddenly greeted by Cara, taylor and the rest of the gang, and they claim to be a big deal on the SAME ship that was shown in that news clip earlier in the film that was talked about by Obama and trump that will have the capacity to hold 250,000 people. So does that mean once that ship left the atmosphere, it entered into another time portal in space that somehow was moving slower. or faster. and somehow they all ended up on that ship? Because of space magic? SOMEBODY EXPLAIN THIS MOVIE! lol.

But in the end, it doesn't even matter -Chester Bennington. Time trap full movie watch online watch. This movie has a very very interesting groundstory. But bad acting, bad dialogue, bad directing etc makes the movie fall down from an instant classic to just become something you see and forget. Just imagine if someone like James Cameron or so was to do this movie, i mean, it have the potential to be EPIC. Say what u will about covid 19 but if it hadn't happened I probably wouldn't of ever seen this film at least theirs some good things about being locked indoors.

Time trap full movie watch online game. This Movie review is Spot On, this is one of those movies that really surprised me and the ending left me wanting more which is a good thing sometimes. Would have been interesting if someone drove a motorcycle into the cave. The ending where those creatures grabbed the girl was scary then we realized that the creatures were evolved humans. If one second in the cave is a year then over 80,000 years would passed in a day. Watch Time Trap Online Boxofficemojo Watch Time Trap Online Nosvideo Watch Time Online Streamin Time Trap (2020) MOVIE ONLINE.

Time trap full movie watch online without. This trailer confuse me. Time trap full movie watch online telugu. Time trap full movie watch online torrent. Time trap full movie watch online movie. Time Trap Live Streaming Free come to. Time trap full movie watch online tv. Too many cliché 😂😂. Time Trap Full Movie Watch online pharmacy. Cool concept and then that concept is ruined by the second half of the movie. It felt like they had multiple writers and they all had a different idea of what the end should be so they just had enough time pass that all their ideas could be thrown in lol. I mean seriously it's a one concept movie and then, we get cavemen (which would of made sense with better writing) Spanish conquistadors, future giant humans, aliens from mars lol. That's all on top of the fact the whole movie was to find their friend who was looking for his parents lol. Come on people, pick one plot and go with that. Anyone of those options could of been the ending, but they couldn't make up their mind. They didn't even leave room for a sequel because now they are so far into the future theres nothing to write about except their future lives, which will have nothing to do with the original point of the movie. Should of ended it the first time she got out of the cave, and even that pushed it too far. But at least you would of had room for a sequel, much less more material then just them being in a cave figuring out that time is passing outside of the cave.

This movie had some flaws - but overall, damn good movie.

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Where's part 2.

Just watched this - and have to say what a great film, hopefully they will do a sequel. Time trap full movie watch online english. Time trap full movie watch online full. Like that scenster band from the mid 2000s. 😬. Time trap full movie watch online 2017. Time trap full movie watch online youtube.

One of those movies where it tried to hard. Its such a shame they didnt explain anything about the the origins of the cave. and how the hell do the ppl stay so calm, every 3 sconds they miss an entire year. Time trap full movie watch online free. And we already got the twist in the goddamn TRAILER. Seen this trailer twice & every time I cry. Turd. Time Trap Full Movie watch online. Time Trap Full Movie Watch online. Time Trap (2020) in HD f'ul'l M'o'V'iE. Time trap full movie watch online hd.

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Time Trap Full Movie Watch online. What an awesome movie. I wish it wouldve had a much bigger budget but they still did an incredible job. Definitely a once in a blue moon find. Time trap full movie watch online dailymotion.

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It was great. Some of the effects seemed cheap and the acting wasnt crazy but the story brought it up so much. It felt like watching a real good student film. Time trap full movie watch online streaming. #TIME (2020) English Full Movie Watch Online Free Online Free Time Trap. This movie is very good. Story was mind blowing. I do hope they make a sequel and still keep the indie movie vibe to it and not make it Hollywoodish. I still can't believe how good this movie is. I'm gonna watch it again. Time Trap Full Movie Watch. I honestly think this would work very well as a show.


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